Still in Love (Poem)

That day started so slow yet ended so sweet

A beautiful message a child could repeat

But two roads diverged in a yellow wood

And I was placed on the narrow one that is good

The floodgates opened as I began to cry

And yielded all to this Man that for me would die

I was broken to pieces by a typhoon of grace

Peering through His wounds to see His wondrous face

Expecting a scowl but held me close

As I drank in His love, dose after dose

A second chance granted, a new life restored

My friends Depression, Self-hatred, now I abhorred

Because the Man of endless Joy and eternal bliss

Laid His life down, now my aim is this,

Not to strive for man’s applause, fortune or for fame

But to have just one ambition—to exalt my Master’s Name

Let me give my life to see real revival fire

I’ll pray by day, I’ll pray by night to birth this one desire

I now have just one obsession,

To see a glorious Bride,

Arrayed in spotless purity brought to her Bridegroom’s side

Before that day when we all ascend

Misty said it but I’ll say it again,

After all of the years that we’ve come,

May You still be the One to whom I run;

Lord, I’d still walk ten thousand miles

Pass through storms and fiery trials

Go through the hard and desert place

Just to see the smile on Your face,

Just to see the smile on Your face.



The Great Omission


He’s Always Better